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Update On Domestic Violence

February 19, 2006

DV pilot project

The district attorney in Colorado's 4 th Judicial District (El Paso and Teller counties) has undertaken a long overdue pilot project attempting to better handle domestic violence cases. Naturally that is of interest to the Equal Justice Foundation and we've spent considerable time and effort with the DA's office. I'd certainly like to thank District Attorney John Newsome and his staff for their openness and cooperation in trying to find better answers to this vexing problem. Perhaps at some point we may even stop punishing the innocent and freeing the guilty.

In reviewing the pilot project I was led to compiling the penalties for a misdemeanor DV conviction . We've had these scattered around, particularly in the section on What Happens When 911 Is Dialed but not tabulated. A simple list of penalties runs to four (4) printed pages and most of them have a lifetime impact. If you or a friend or relative are considering taking a plea bargain on a DV charge I'd definitely suggest reading Penalties For A Domestic Violence Conviction first.


Violent women — Is there hope?


Violence by women is off to a running start in 2006 in Colorado and other states. Note that as the data accumulates the evidence is consistent that extreme violence by women peaks around age 40. A connection with the biological changes women undergo during perimenopause seems evident but, of course, it isn't politically correct to suggest biology may have anything at all to do with domestic violence.

The number of divorces peaks around age 40 as well and, under current laws, this biological change represents a major danger to men and children. Even if the woman doesn't become violent, which is admittedly rare, there is still about an 80-90% chance her behavior will become erratic or irrational during this phase of her life. Today perimenopause is easy to detect with an FSH test and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) provides a safe method of restoring most women's health and mental well being if they will admit to the problem. Fortunately, Suzanne Somers has written The Sexy Years reviewing this problem in a politically-correct venue. It is hoped more women will heed this advice, thereby reducing family violence and preserving families and marriages.


Bad girls


Christina Hoff Sommers has written a definitely politically-incorrect Bad Girls of America review of Kate O'Beirne's book Women Who Make the World Worse, and How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, and Sports. Hard to see how Sommers' and O'Beirne's work can be equated with male backlash but I'm confident the redfems and N.O.W. will twist it to that effect. What good is a publicly-funded, Goebbel's-style propaganda machine anyway if it can't distort the facts any better than that?


An evening out


Harry Crouch, one of San Diego's leading curmudgeons, takes us on a gala evening out with endorphin-challenged oxytocin-free redfems in Domestic Violence Delusions — A PBS Documelodrama. As he puts it "I walked into a party of sorts, thought I was in the wrong room; there was a stage, couple of podiums, nice chairs in neat rows, display tables filled with literature, and lots of good eats. There were all sorts of finger foods, including shrimp, pot-stickers, veggies, egg-rolls... Gourmet stuff, not that frozen in the box deep-fry. I guess the cash strapped domestic violence industry does better than they let on." Our tax dollars at work.

I will say you shouldn't expect anything like that at an EJF meeting. We go potluck all the way.


Science — Does it have any relation to domestic violence?


Don Dutton and Tonia Nicholls look at The Gender Paradigm In Domestic Violence: Research And Theory. They take on minor issues like <>The Conflict Of Theory And Data. Way I learned it there at Texas A&M was that if the theory didn't match the data then the theory was wrong. But as I'm an Aggie twice over (Utah State and TAMU) I guess I just don't get it, as the redfems say. However, you might when you read Dutton and Nicholls.

Dutton and Ken Corvo also have an article out titled Transforming a flawed policy: A call to revive psychology and science in domestic violence research and practice in press in Aggression and Violent Behavior. Gee, the very concept of applying science to problems with family violence is shocking! I guess they don't "get it" either. I've distributed that article to Colorado district attorneys and Dutton says as soon as it gets published the EJF can post it. He tells me bureaucrats in both Colorado and Ontario are already circling their wagons...they have an obviously flawed policy that they are invested in protecting.

Dutton also has a new book, Rethinking Domestic Violence.


Courts — Back to medieval times


Then David Heleniak, Esq. shows us how the judicial system has reverted to medieval times and practices in The New Star Chamber: The New Jersey Family Court And The Prevention Of Domestic Violence Act. The Star Chamber court in England lasted from 1487 until 1641. Will ours last as long?

Any day now the New Jersey bar will be moving to disbar Heleniak as they did with Linda Kennedy when she got uppity in Virginia and published Holodeck Law - Litigation Vortex. I have a considerable list of uppity attorneys, e.g. Barbara Johnson in Massachusetts, whose state bar associations have moved to disbar them for defending constitutional rights and men in general, a heinous crime in today's legal circles. Incidentally, in addition to our list of recommended attorneys we keep a private blacklist of those lawyers reported to us as incompetent (available to EJF members). If you are considering hiring an attorney you might want to ask the EJF whether that ambulance chaser is on our blacklist. Also, if one of our recommended attorneys doesn't perform we quickly remove them when people contact us. And if you have an attorney you'd like to nominate for our blacklist please let me know.


Cheapskates of the world unite


That brings up another issue. A lack of resources forced us last fall to limit help and advice to EJF members. A number of people have become quite irate that we wouldn't help them, and right now at that.

If you're too cheap to cough up the $25/year for EJF dues let me suggest you try one of the many redfem groups who are publicly funded. I might note that we get many women who are survivors of those groups.

Coughing up $25 bucks to find out about a lawyer is cheap compared to the thousands of dollars men and women have paid in retainers for an incompetent attorney before they contacted us and after their lives were destroyed.

I've also asked our DA for permission to shoot these crooked attorneys who take a man's, or woman's retainer and then enter a plea bargain admitting guilt. See the penalties section referenced above for what happens to these hapless souls after they pay as much as $50,000 to a lawyer who then sells them down the river with a plea bargain. And believe me, I won't be using birdshot.

Incidentally you can join online, make a contribution online, or print out an application and send a check to the address below.


Fix the problem, not the blame


If you haven't seen it before, let me recommend Richard Davis' Fix The Problem, Not The Blame. The EJF is still trying to do that. Toward that end the book on Families and Marriage has been completely revised and updated.

Also, the Equal Justice Foundation has become the Colorado affiliate of the American Coalition of Fathers and Children. We've worked with Dr. Stephen Baskerville for many years and it was time to make the relationship formal. You'll find many of his articles in our <http://www.ejfi.org/family/family.htm>Families and Marriage book.

Charles E. Corry, Ph.D., F.G.S.A.

455 Bear Creek Road

Colorado Springs, Colorado 80906-5820



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